Hope Upon Impact: A Miraculous True Story of Faith, Love & God's Goodness

by Judy Overlease
April/2020, 224 pages, HARDCOVER, 5.5 x 8.5
ISBN-13: 978-1640604100
Paraclete Press

This book is indeed an incredible insight into one family’s  life that was literally turned upside down by a falling tree limb.  The mother of this beautiful alive twelve year old tells the story of the near death incident that has a great deal to say about what our entire world is going through this day with the Covid 19 virus.

The family along with the young girl portray what it means to hit adversity head long with the honest grace that their strong faith in our Lord Jesus Christ gave them to stay strong and survive this trauma in all of their lives.

The book moves along quickly and in great detail allows the reader to experience the pain and suffering as well as the joy of each and every answer to prayer whether it was big or small.

I highly recommend this book to be in your stores and featured in the Sunday newsletter published by your parish.

Prayers always,
Kathryn Bunch, reviewer
Vice President, Episcopal Booksellers Association