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A Generous Community: Being The Church in a New Missionary Age

Author: C. Andrew Doyle

Reviewed by The Rev. Robert M. Alves

In A Generous Community, Bishop Doyle provides a timely distillation of the collective wisdom of many who have worked to identify the challenges and dynamics that have emerged amidst the quantum changes occurring in our church and culture. Lay and clergy leaders who have discovered that the status quo is no longer working will realize that they are not alone.

Doyle does not simply clarify the challenges but he explores the root causes. He also draws the reader's focus to the opportunities that abound, as he explores the new patterns that are emerging in church and culture. A Generous Community is designed to provide information and to pose questions that help church leaders gain the focus and insights needed to lead the church into the future.

A Generous Community is the best resource that I have found for our current time. Our vestry and clergy read it in preparation for our vestry retreat this year. It helped ignite thoughtful discussion on ways to lead the changes that our church wants to see.